Monday, December 28, 2009

When D&C is not required...

We wake up early, send the kids to my mom's house and off we go to see my gynae. I am scheduled for a D&C today if the thing still there. But as what I have predicted I am not required for the procedure.

After we went for the check up last week I started to bleed and it's getting heavy day by day. The peak is on Wednesday when I felt something slippery came out and off I rush to the toilet. There I saw a white ring around a blood clot and that was the sac for my unborn child. Good thing that it happened naturally as I am pretty frantic with the thought of having a D&C. The bleeding reduce after a few days until I met my gynae today.

She did an ultrasound and saw just a small amount of blood clot still left in my womb. Small that is not necessary for the procedure. However she gave some sort of pill that need to be inserted in the vagina to help the blood clot to come out soonest. Err not really sure how to do it and I haven't done it yet :D.

Other than that she gave me some antibiotic to ensure no infection on the womb. I have to do a blood test as well to ensure that my HCG level back to normal. From my reading on the internet and base on some of my friend experience I could tell that the test is to rule out any molar pregnancy symptom which is good.

When it comes to this kind of situation where we are not sure what is best for us especially when it is first time...get help!. I did ...husband and family help a lot to lift up the grief from me. They spend time bringing me out and keep me busy. I made a few phone calls to my friends who experience the same thing. Pretty good advice and at least I get to manage my expectation towards my situation. Of course by searching the net to understand what's happening to me make me feel much better too. And lastly I blog about it..let it out from my system and by spilling out I get to understand my feelings better and move on.

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