Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Being a mom

Having a good conversation with my uni mate. Catching up about live and stuff.

For some reasons I forgot that her son is already in Primary 1. And we are talking about our kids that is growing becoming independent and less and less dependent on us.

Like mine, I already start to train him on most of the stuff that he need to be independent with. Like feeding himself, taking care of his hygiene, taking care of his own stuff, peeing (several technique if you must know), and finally washing his own poo. The last one came in a little bit later actually as he cannot digest the idea of washing his own you know what and afraid of getting that sticky smelly things on his hand. But one fine day ( I guess this have to thank my mom and bibik) as he went to the toilet to do his big business, and when I check on him if he finish he ask me to go away. Proudly he claim that he can wash his own. I took a peek to see if he can really clean it up to my standard. Well enough said if half bottle of the soap is finished (mama exaggerating) and looking on how hard he try to sental you know what...ok’s up to my standard then.

Well back to my conversation with my friend earlier I express about how worried I am on Aariz going to Primary 1 later. What if that and what if this. Then she said they just going to be fine. Seems that usually the mother will be worried sick but the kids will probably enjoy their school.
But unfortunately we can’t continue our conversation much after that. She need to pick up her sons. She claims if she’s late than later the kids will be wondering around ...hard for her to find him. Which I told her...well if that happen I’m sure the mom will be the one who will be crying, while the kids maybe just happily playing somewhere inside the school haha.

Well that’s the price of being a mother right. Keep on worrying about our kids. No wonder my mom are like that ! :D

1 comment:

  1. yes, you are right, being a mom has it's price. i am one of those mom who has difficulty to let go, anak rilek jer, mak yg over
