Furniture installation is a false alarm. Rupe2 nya my cousin just want to confirm the last book cabinet before completing all and deliver it at one go. I can't wait actually :D
I am working till 5 am in the morning last Friday ....and while running the report and comparing data I manage to bake one banana cake...(no picture semua dah masuk perut) and the base for the banoffee pie.
Saturday bangun lambat la of course since tido pun dah at 5 am in the morning (see working fr hm pun the workload stime can kill you). Bukak mata straight way finish all the pending baking activities, as I promise to bring some for my sis in law mini hsewarming and birthday party. So 2 banofee pie, 2 mini banofee pie, 2 brownies, 2 mini brownies, the ganache and banana bread ready by 2 :D....
Rushing back to my mom house with hungry stomach for lunch. Banana bread and one of the brownies is for mom's hse and we have visitor around 5, Wak Mus and my cousins just in time for tea time.
Malam....bbq ing at sis in law hse. Loads of fun chatting and laughing hehe as usual. I quite adore all my sis in laws as each one of them have a story to tell... Lot's of idea when come to vacation, house furnishing, investment, health, handling kids, education and many more. Since they are all older and have more experience, we kinda have lot's of advantage getting all the knowledge from them. Since I am the eldest in my family, being youngest in hubby's family makes me relax a lil bit and enjoying just being young and small thehehe :p
Hubby's family is a bit weird. Why is it weird...they are many of them celebrating birthday on Nov !!!! all 3 my sis in law born in Nov and 2 of my anak sedara as well. Not to mention my fil...ada sape2 lagi yg tertinggal?? I am not good in remembering numbers and esp birthday....All I know they are all born in Nov, and hubby will remind me when is their birth date :p. So Happy Birthday to all of them!
Ok enjoy the picture for Saturday first...I'll do another post for Saturday act specially dedicated for my uni mate ;)
The birthday boy yg dah kena penyek dengan cupcakes!
Dua birthday girl mak dan anak!
Mak sahaja yg birthday girl
wonder milk cupcakes birthday boy
waahh menariknyer cuppacakes