The kids are amaze and happy to see their little brother. It started when I told them that tonight I have to sleep in the hospital. Both of them need to behave at nenek’s house. Then both of them start to scream and protest as they want to go with us. I said this is not a trip to any hotel. This is hospital. And tomorrow perhaps you can see you little brother. Still pretty upset both of them, they let us go.
By noon 12.13 11.01.2011, our third male in the family was born. I could hear him crying out loud and I am glad that everything went well. I am pretty tired that I can’t hold the baby fear that I’ll drop him. I am too hungry as my last meal was last night around 8 pm. All I wanted is just to get a good rest. So I waited till 2pm after the observation when they straight away send me to my room. I saw Fawwaz already waiting there excited to meet his little brother. But his little brother is under observation too. So he has to go home first to pick up Aariz after school and come back to the hospital later. Aariz at home are very pissed being left out and asked to go to afternoon school. Papa sends him the baby picture via his aunty blackberry and he gets excited. But then still when he calls his papa the first thing he asks is how mama is? Is she ok? Is she in pain and is she recovering….? I could hear the conversation but again that time I was really tired and I think I am still on drug :p not able to really respond to anything. The only thing I can think of is how lucky am I to have a caring son.
Later at night they all come and visit us. This time the baby is around. Both Aariz and Fawwaz are again very excited and amaze to see their tiny little brother. Start jumping on my bed and try to carry the baby, which make everybody screaming no! And try to touch the baby face, hair, hand and everything. They are very amaze with how soft the baby skin is and how small my tummy is now.
When we reach home the next day, both of them get super excited again!. All I could see is how happy they are with their new brother, though Aariz insist that he want little sister next time. Which hurm…we shall not go there yet at this point of time. The funny part is that earlier they are all agree that they will take turn changing diaper for the baby and also feeding him. But their first time seeing his papa changing and wiping the little guy poop, they went iiieeeuuwwww and Fawwaz immediately said I don’t want to do this cos it looks ugly! Now they change their mind and insist to feed him instead. But since I am trying to breastfeed the little one they have not yet the chance to help in term of that. Well never mind then, the two brothers always have other idea on how to ‘help’ the little one. So they bring they toy one by one for the little one to play. Which of course trigger another no from me…he is still small and not interested to play yet! I said. Next they try to help to carry or whenever he saw the little one without his little pillow, both of them will try to put the pillow under his head. Which again will make any of us who saw that scream again….do not touch his head!. The brothers sometimes seem pretty frustrated cos they can’t do much with their little brother yet. So what I did is to get them to help me passing some stuff when we want to change their diaper, get them to throw the dirty diaper, and clean up the baby stuff.
I am glad that they accept their little brother well. If you ask me are they not jealous with their little one. I could sense their jealousy a little bit. Thank God that the family is here to support. They get all the attention they need from their aunty, uncle, grandpa and grandma while we busy entertaining the little one. And while we spend some time with them, the little one will be taken care by the family. So far I am happy and that is all I need for now.
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