We went to watch the show, Ben 10 Live on Stage - Power of the Omnitrix with our 2 boys. Hubby being him, he bought us the cheapest ticket !!! Can you believe it? Earlier I am so muncung...really2 cannot believe it that he can do that to the kids... We sat right at the very back and the stage really sayup2 but yes we can still see the show. Aariz was quite funny cos he keep on asking why are we at the back ? So I simply said cos someone being kedekut. And he said..."ooooo orang tua kedekut tu satu New Zealand tau !!". This is due to pengaruh cerita Upin dan Ipin la nih...and teringat2 New Zealand at the same. We had a good laugh on that one.
We watch the show, the kids get pretty excited earlier but all of us think the show were not that good. Aariz itselfs keep on complaining on why is it pretty lame. There is nothing to shout about their act or stunt...I mean the kids watch the tv series and with all the action on the tv and just a lame tricks during the show it doesn't excite the kids that much..I mean older kids. So at this point I think hubby did a good move by buying not so expensive ticket...Tho I still think he should at least take the 50 plus ticket to get a better view. But if we bought the more expensive ticket we might felt ripped off.
Anyway more on Aariz, finally he get his own camera. Actually an old camera from my brother and it has been left around the house for quiet a while. We gave him and show him how to use it once and wallah after that he is our official photographer. He will ask us to pose for him...take a few nice picture of us and when we ask him if he want us to take his picture, he will said...yes sure. He'll pass the camera to us and specifically gives us the instruction on how to use the camera, how to adjust the lense and so on. Of course it will annoy his papa la kan...but what ever makes him happy. After taking pictures, at home he will review all the pictures and delete the one that is not needed.
So that's abt Aariz..and our trip to the Ben 10 show.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Cerita karipap
Okla kita tutup pasal Bali dulu...walaupun saya sangat2 nak update travel log saya tapi memang lepas abis hari travel malas betul nak rewind kembali apa yg berlaku. Tapi saya berazam dan terus akan berazam mengupdate travel log saya walaupun kena tunggu seminggu dua or mungkin sebulan dua atau pun setahun dua untuk update tersebut.
Berbalik pada cerita karipap. Mak saya buat karipap sangat sedap pada definisi keluarga saya. Asik beradik saya hantu karipap dan setiap kali mak saya buat maka berebut2 la semua org di rumah mak saya untuk habiskan karipap tersebut.
Walaupun karipap mak saya sedap...tapi ada satu masalahnya. Mak saya ada problem pada tangan kanannya jadi dia tak boleh buat kerja berat2 or menguli tepung lama2 or lebih tepat lagi untuk mengelim kulit karipap. Jadi karipap yg sedap itu cume dapat dinikmati beberapa tahun sekali contohnya pada musim2 perayaan seperti raya haji ini.
Makanya semalam mak saya pun sudah la membuat karipap mungkin dalam 2-3 dozen sahaja. Oh adik beradik saya (termasuk saya tapi saya tak seteruk adik beradik saya) mestila sibuk nak makan cepat2 and simpan bahagian masing2. Tapi semalam saya tak berada di rumah mak saya...so saya cume tau pasal kewujudan karipap itu pagi tadi sahaja semasa menghantar anak2 saya ke rumah mak saya sebelum pegi keje.
Dan pada pagi tadi jugak saya dapat tau yg anak2 saya pun dah join jadi hantu karipap mak saya. Jadinya bahagian saya yg tinggal skrg ni cume sekeping karipap yg saya bawak ke opis pada pagi ini.
Kesian tak saya. Motif cerita karipap pada hari sebelum raya haji ni. Tapi kesimpulannya kalau nak production karipap tu lebih byk lagi kena la tolong mak saya buat karipap dan saya kena la belaja cara buat karipap.
Owh dan pada satu hari minggu ini jugak anak saya Aariz memuji2 masakan neneknya. Bila saya tanya mama masak tak sedap ke ? Dia pause sebentar then cakap...sedappp tapi nenek punya lagi sedap. Cet hehe...mmg cucu nenek si kenit sorang ni!
Berbalik pada cerita karipap. Mak saya buat karipap sangat sedap pada definisi keluarga saya. Asik beradik saya hantu karipap dan setiap kali mak saya buat maka berebut2 la semua org di rumah mak saya untuk habiskan karipap tersebut.
Walaupun karipap mak saya sedap...tapi ada satu masalahnya. Mak saya ada problem pada tangan kanannya jadi dia tak boleh buat kerja berat2 or menguli tepung lama2 or lebih tepat lagi untuk mengelim kulit karipap. Jadi karipap yg sedap itu cume dapat dinikmati beberapa tahun sekali contohnya pada musim2 perayaan seperti raya haji ini.
Makanya semalam mak saya pun sudah la membuat karipap mungkin dalam 2-3 dozen sahaja. Oh adik beradik saya (termasuk saya tapi saya tak seteruk adik beradik saya) mestila sibuk nak makan cepat2 and simpan bahagian masing2. Tapi semalam saya tak berada di rumah mak saya...so saya cume tau pasal kewujudan karipap itu pagi tadi sahaja semasa menghantar anak2 saya ke rumah mak saya sebelum pegi keje.
Dan pada pagi tadi jugak saya dapat tau yg anak2 saya pun dah join jadi hantu karipap mak saya. Jadinya bahagian saya yg tinggal skrg ni cume sekeping karipap yg saya bawak ke opis pada pagi ini.
Kesian tak saya. Motif cerita karipap pada hari sebelum raya haji ni. Tapi kesimpulannya kalau nak production karipap tu lebih byk lagi kena la tolong mak saya buat karipap dan saya kena la belaja cara buat karipap.
Owh dan pada satu hari minggu ini jugak anak saya Aariz memuji2 masakan neneknya. Bila saya tanya mama masak tak sedap ke ? Dia pause sebentar then cakap...sedappp tapi nenek punya lagi sedap. Cet hehe...mmg cucu nenek si kenit sorang ni!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
And we are back !
3.45 pm : touchdown.
4.00 pm : choc shopping spree
4.15 pm : collect luggage
4.30 pm : on the way back
5.30 pm : arrive at mom's hse for tea break, mandi, rest for a while
6.30 pm : on my way to damansara for my bil hsewarming/tahlil
7.50 pm : reach damansara (bad traffic at nkve) ...borak2 mingle2 makan2
9.45 pm : balik my mom's hse
10.30 pm : sampai rumah anak2 sume dah ketiduran...mak nya dah capik...
11.00 pm : hubby sibuk buat kira2 (poyo kan!)
11.45 pm : nyampah tgk hubby sibok dok mengira so dapat la entry ni ihiks!
bali details later la....
4.00 pm : choc shopping spree
4.15 pm : collect luggage
4.30 pm : on the way back
5.30 pm : arrive at mom's hse for tea break, mandi, rest for a while
6.30 pm : on my way to damansara for my bil hsewarming/tahlil
7.50 pm : reach damansara (bad traffic at nkve) ...borak2 mingle2 makan2
9.45 pm : balik my mom's hse
10.30 pm : sampai rumah anak2 sume dah ketiduran...mak nya dah capik...
11.00 pm : hubby sibuk buat kira2 (poyo kan!)
11.45 pm : nyampah tgk hubby sibok dok mengira so dapat la entry ni ihiks!
bali details later la....
Last night I was telling the kids that we are going back home soon. Guess what they said?
Mama : Esok kita nak balik mana ????
Aariz : Malaysia.....lepas tu aariz and fawwaz main motor kat rumah atuk...mama pegi keje ha ha ha ha ha....
He gave me a big laugh and when I start rolling my eyes and his dad start to laugh as well then he added...Papa pun sama ha ha ha ha ha..... Cheeky boy! huh...
So here I am writing an entry for today to finish our internet credit, the small one watching disney channel and the other 2 boys (papa and aariz) went for their last dip in the pool.
Mama : Esok kita nak balik mana ????
Aariz : Malaysia.....lepas tu aariz and fawwaz main motor kat rumah atuk...mama pegi keje ha ha ha ha ha....
He gave me a big laugh and when I start rolling my eyes and his dad start to laugh as well then he added...Papa pun sama ha ha ha ha ha..... Cheeky boy! huh...
So here I am writing an entry for today to finish our internet credit, the small one watching disney channel and the other 2 boys (papa and aariz) went for their last dip in the pool.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
We have moved from our villa to a hotel in Kuta city. Enggak bisa duduk di villa lama2 .... hehe the kids had so much fun in the villa as we have a private pool. Bukak mata jek terjun kolam ...lepas makan terjun kolam...nak tido terjun kolam.
Hubby most of the time complaints about how he don't have enough time to spend with the kids finally gets what he wished for. So hehe amik la si kenit2 sebab kalau dalam kolam maknya tak mau nak jaga... Lebam2 la for 3 days 2 night ....
Once we moved t0 the city we start to take a few tour trip. One of it is to the Elephant Safari where we had enough up close and personal time with the elephants and a good 35 minutes elephants rides around the Ubud village.
I shall blog more about this later. I'm so tired...we had a limited internet access in our new hotel (ridiculously expensive). But so far we enjoy every bits of the time spend between our family. The kids are having so much fun....hubby and I take turn spending quality time with each of them and I am very2 happy :). Later !
Hubby most of the time complaints about how he don't have enough time to spend with the kids finally gets what he wished for. So hehe amik la si kenit2 sebab kalau dalam kolam maknya tak mau nak jaga... Lebam2 la for 3 days 2 night ....
Once we moved t0 the city we start to take a few tour trip. One of it is to the Elephant Safari where we had enough up close and personal time with the elephants and a good 35 minutes elephants rides around the Ubud village.
I shall blog more about this later. I'm so tired...we had a limited internet access in our new hotel (ridiculously expensive). But so far we enjoy every bits of the time spend between our family. The kids are having so much fun....hubby and I take turn spending quality time with each of them and I am very2 happy :). Later !
Monday, November 16, 2009
It's our second day in Bali. It's a bliss...and pretty adventurous toooo ....
Hurm not in mood to update la pulak...nanti2 la yer
Hurm not in mood to update la pulak...nanti2 la yer
Friday, November 13, 2009
It's coming
Two more days before we chill in and get daily massage from our trip.
Hopefully this time I can make a full travel log with young kids without missing a day. My HK and South Island travel log still in draft.....Not sure if I will be able to finish it and publish it here.It will be a one week trip and we should just sits and relax....
Hope our room will be as good as picture below !
Hopefully this time I can make a full travel log with young kids without missing a day. My HK and South Island travel log still in draft.....Not sure if I will be able to finish it and publish it here.It will be a one week trip and we should just sits and relax....
Hope our room will be as good as picture below !

Hajat di hati
Hajat di hati nak jugak buat entry bergambar. Yerla dah berhari2 kan entry membebel jek. Tapi camera ku dah wakaf jadi camera adik2 ku. Camera laki ku...huh...dia simpan kat secret compartment. Kadang2 je lihat dunia.
Jom cerita pasal dua kenit ku itu. Wah perangainya lately makin menjadi2. Mak nya asik nak jadi montosa...Montosa tu monster tapi entah tgk cerita apa ntah ke si kenit no 2 yg masih pelat ittew panggil moster jadi montosa....Ok sebut montosa tu kena dengan nada seram sket yer...
Anyway...kenit no 1 pulak mmg tak takut org. Mungkin sebab tersangat bijak dan pandai menjawab nya teacher2 di sekolah and nenek dia di rumah asik kena buli. Takutnya dia pada mama dan papa dia saja.
Bab cerita membaca pulak. Si kenit no 1 dah ada improvement. Cume sakitnya la hati sebab dia suke guessing bila membaca. Contoh bila dia eja hurt tapi bunyi nya jadi was ... errrr mama mmg jadi montosa la....bukan dia tak tau ...tapi dia meneka dengan jayanya. Tapi so far dia dah la kenal certain2 word...and cerita mcm peter and jane and a few story bergambar yg ada simple word...boleh la dia baca walaupun ada ayat dia teka teki kan...
Kenit no 2 plak...owh dia makin bijak mengelat. And bila dapat mengenakan abang dia. Dia la manusia paling gembira di dunia. Contoh...dua2 ni ada batuk2 sket last week...dan berkahak. Jadi mama nya bawak la pegi jumpa doctor. Dapat la pelbagai jenis ubat utk kahak, batuk dan demam. Adik sgt OK makan ubat. Bagila ubat apa pun dia akan telan dengan machonya....tak payah minum pun takpe. Tapi kalau abang...hihi mcm mama nya lah. Takut makan ubat. Jadi bila suruh makan ubat dia nak lari satu round la..nak minum dulu la tutup mulut la or jerit2. Since adik dia tau betapa penakutnya abang dia makan ubat (dan adik pulak takut makan nasi)...jadi bila time makan ubat dia sibuk jerit....abang abang mari sini...makan ubat. Pas tu sibuk suruh abang dulu la makan...lepas abang dia dah kena torture makan ubat...kena marah2 sket...turn dia jek dia bukak mulut makan dengan machonya and jeling kat abang dia. Tengok fawwaz makan ok jek...ceh eksen sungguh. Tapi bila bab makan nasi payback time la kan haha...abg dia la pulak eksen2 ngan adik dia yg terjerit2 tak nak makan nasi :p
So tu la cerita 2 kenit ku ini. Nanti kalau dapat la amik mana2 camera kat rumah tu. Nak update gambar mereka naik motor letrik yg datuknya beli. Sorang satu you...Seb baik jek rumah datuknya luas. Jadi di kerjakan dalam rumah jek...dari hall ke dapur balik ke hall...siap ada 2 roundabout and satu one way street. Cepatla siket derang belaja tatacara lalulintas jalan raya. Tapi kata papanya...cepat sket la derang jadi rempit...erkkk !! Jangan jangan...
Jom cerita pasal dua kenit ku itu. Wah perangainya lately makin menjadi2. Mak nya asik nak jadi montosa...Montosa tu monster tapi entah tgk cerita apa ntah ke si kenit no 2 yg masih pelat ittew panggil moster jadi montosa....Ok sebut montosa tu kena dengan nada seram sket yer...
Anyway...kenit no 1 pulak mmg tak takut org. Mungkin sebab tersangat bijak dan pandai menjawab nya teacher2 di sekolah and nenek dia di rumah asik kena buli. Takutnya dia pada mama dan papa dia saja.
Bab cerita membaca pulak. Si kenit no 1 dah ada improvement. Cume sakitnya la hati sebab dia suke guessing bila membaca. Contoh bila dia eja hurt tapi bunyi nya jadi was ... errrr mama mmg jadi montosa la....bukan dia tak tau ...tapi dia meneka dengan jayanya. Tapi so far dia dah la kenal certain2 word...and cerita mcm peter and jane and a few story bergambar yg ada simple word...boleh la dia baca walaupun ada ayat dia teka teki kan...
Kenit no 2 plak...owh dia makin bijak mengelat. And bila dapat mengenakan abang dia. Dia la manusia paling gembira di dunia. Contoh...dua2 ni ada batuk2 sket last week...dan berkahak. Jadi mama nya bawak la pegi jumpa doctor. Dapat la pelbagai jenis ubat utk kahak, batuk dan demam. Adik sgt OK makan ubat. Bagila ubat apa pun dia akan telan dengan machonya....tak payah minum pun takpe. Tapi kalau abang...hihi mcm mama nya lah. Takut makan ubat. Jadi bila suruh makan ubat dia nak lari satu round la..nak minum dulu la tutup mulut la or jerit2. Since adik dia tau betapa penakutnya abang dia makan ubat (dan adik pulak takut makan nasi)...jadi bila time makan ubat dia sibuk jerit....abang abang mari sini...makan ubat. Pas tu sibuk suruh abang dulu la makan...lepas abang dia dah kena torture makan ubat...kena marah2 sket...turn dia jek dia bukak mulut makan dengan machonya and jeling kat abang dia. Tengok fawwaz makan ok jek...ceh eksen sungguh. Tapi bila bab makan nasi payback time la kan haha...abg dia la pulak eksen2 ngan adik dia yg terjerit2 tak nak makan nasi :p
So tu la cerita 2 kenit ku ini. Nanti kalau dapat la amik mana2 camera kat rumah tu. Nak update gambar mereka naik motor letrik yg datuknya beli. Sorang satu you...Seb baik jek rumah datuknya luas. Jadi di kerjakan dalam rumah jek...dari hall ke dapur balik ke hall...siap ada 2 roundabout and satu one way street. Cepatla siket derang belaja tatacara lalulintas jalan raya. Tapi kata papanya...cepat sket la derang jadi rempit...erkkk !! Jangan jangan...
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Travel plan and travel light
Just after I wrote my financial posting yesterday I read another article somewhere about when you are not sure about your financial situation, write about it. When you write about it you will identify what is the reasons for you current financial management (maybe due to how your parents thought you, environment, friends?), what you think about your current financial and what you want to achieve in your financial planning.
Well come to think back, I really benefit from writing what I think about financial. I had a chat with hubby yesterday and we conclude that one of our biggest dream is to have enough for our retirement to travel around the world.
We love travel...sometimes our job gave us chances to travel. We are grateful with that. But of course we like to travel by our own better than travelling for business. We have lot's of travel plan and we are trying to make a point travelling 4 times in a year. That we include in our financial planning on how much the budget we have so that we can plan what are the places we afford to go. It is not necessary to be overseas travel...it could be local as well. As long as it fits in our budget.
Anyway we are going for our next trip soon. So we have our travel plan and we like to travel light. Let's check what do we carry when travelling with 2 little active toddlers age 3 and 5 for 7 days 6 nights kind of travel.
Clothing - When we go for 1 week or more we just bring maximum 3 days of clothing. Yes we do laundry so that we can travel light. Don't forget swimming attire for the kids on for you if the place has pool.
Toiletries - Small travel pack toiletries always become handy when we travel. Don't forget all your facial wash, soap, shampoo, tootpaste, toothbrush, sunblock, lip balm, comb ...list might go on but bring the importance one packed in small bottle.
Medicine - Travelling with small child we might not know what's gonna happen. I am prepared with plaster, antiseptic, fever medicine and a thermometer.
Snacks - Whether going to a place with easy access to food or not I stayed prepared for the first day or two. Biscuits, milo in packet, some bottled drinks, maggie (in case anyone get hungry in the middle of the night), bread (yes one loaf gardenia bread) and small pack of nutella.
Misc - Of course phone, chargers, camera and small lappie (if we know we have wifi access).
Well come to think back, I really benefit from writing what I think about financial. I had a chat with hubby yesterday and we conclude that one of our biggest dream is to have enough for our retirement to travel around the world.
We love travel...sometimes our job gave us chances to travel. We are grateful with that. But of course we like to travel by our own better than travelling for business. We have lot's of travel plan and we are trying to make a point travelling 4 times in a year. That we include in our financial planning on how much the budget we have so that we can plan what are the places we afford to go. It is not necessary to be overseas travel...it could be local as well. As long as it fits in our budget.
Anyway we are going for our next trip soon. So we have our travel plan and we like to travel light. Let's check what do we carry when travelling with 2 little active toddlers age 3 and 5 for 7 days 6 nights kind of travel.
Clothing - When we go for 1 week or more we just bring maximum 3 days of clothing. Yes we do laundry so that we can travel light. Don't forget swimming attire for the kids on for you if the place has pool.
Toiletries - Small travel pack toiletries always become handy when we travel. Don't forget all your facial wash, soap, shampoo, tootpaste, toothbrush, sunblock, lip balm, comb ...list might go on but bring the importance one packed in small bottle.
Medicine - Travelling with small child we might not know what's gonna happen. I am prepared with plaster, antiseptic, fever medicine and a thermometer.
Snacks - Whether going to a place with easy access to food or not I stayed prepared for the first day or two. Biscuits, milo in packet, some bottled drinks, maggie (in case anyone get hungry in the middle of the night), bread (yes one loaf gardenia bread) and small pack of nutella.
Misc - Of course phone, chargers, camera and small lappie (if we know we have wifi access).
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
What keep you inspired ?
I get inspired with people who are success. Who doesn't right?
We read boring magazine (maybe boring to you) like Time, Fortune and Personal Money. Those are magazines that we bought besides magazines related to home structure and home deco. We get inspired by this kind of magazines as :
1. More for hubby as his work require a lot of general knowledge in the industry. So reading Time and Fortune will give him more idea and inspirations towards his career I think.
2. For me, I read Time and Fortune to get to know the world issue (I digest half of it only anyway) and the rest is to drool over the young and bright people who make billions - not one million...
3. Then we know that we have to be realistic...those people who make millions or billion they either unique, extraordinary, extremely lucky, inherited and they are many more factor. So we read Personal Money...this give us inspirations on how to live comfortably, reach our financial free base for normal people.
I note that when I read this kind of magazines I will be more focus on my work and how to reach our goal. For instance, this month focus for Personal Money is on how to achieve your first million and more importantly is how to retain it. It tells some of the story on how all this normal people make it in our country. How it is so possible for us to achieve it. Then how do we manage our financial income to reach our first million and next to retain it.
I do note most of them who made it at a young age mostly people who are not married, single and career minded. But that should not be our show stopper (for those who are married). I like to think that for those who are married they have more advantage.
Example :
1. You already spend what ever needed for your wedding. The best thing the earlier you get married the smaller amount you spend for your wedding (obviously you dont have much money yet...and please dont be stupid by taking personal loan for your wedding. That is hanging your self up side down).
2. You are married and you should by now (after 5 years of marriage or more) understand your partner and stabilize your financial spending and saving. We manage our money together after few months we get into our marriage. Our concept is more like having a company with a balance sheet and P&L so that we know what is our monthly spending, how much we should spend and how much we should save. We then decide together what car suited us, what kind of property should we invest and so on so forth. Since we are consistently doing that....we know that we will meet our first goal by 35 , then next goal by 45 then maybe our final goal by 50. But what a suprise, God willing we are among the one which is lucky so we met our target by 30! So now to work on our next target.
3. We have kids earlier, means we held responsibilities earlier and means when we are aging our kids will become older and we can at least enjoy our older age happier. I like to think that if I even have all the money in the world to trade with my kids....I choose my kids. Why you want to be old with no kids but with money you can't enjoy ? Owh back to my main point, having kids mature your thinking, make you think faster and better and I think people with family are more compassionate with their colleague at work. People with family make a better leader as they are better in multitasking, listening, time management and a lot more skills compared to single person.
Compared to single person, even they can reach some amount of saving or reach a better position with their career. I still believe that married couple will have more advantage in the long run. So Personal Money should feature more families who does it and how they do it next ;)
But money is not everything. I don't plan to become a multi millionaire or to live in a big house with many2 luxury cars and driver and maid and gardener and the list may go on. I am inspired to live comfortably and happily with my family. I am inspired to manage our wealth so that we can maintain our lifestyle until our golden age. I am inspired to have the financial freedom so that I can do things that I like to do and spend more quality with my family. I am inspired to have enough so that I can help people around me.
So reading those magazine give me inspiration and sometime idea on how to improve my life.
Owh btw ...I do read all other magazines like Her World, Hello, Female, Cleo ( i think i'm too old for cleo now) during my hair treatment session. Those magazines makes me drool as well...towards new shoe, handbag, make up, clothing and list can go on.... They have stories as well, juicy story about wife having affair or husband turn to become gigolo and many more....which if I start to discuss the story with hubby then he would just say....owh ye ke ? and then ignore me. Well I guess our life direction can sometimes be influenced by magazines, what we read and what we are exposed too...So I still read, but I leave all I read back at the saloon where I had my hair treatment.
We read boring magazine (maybe boring to you) like Time, Fortune and Personal Money. Those are magazines that we bought besides magazines related to home structure and home deco. We get inspired by this kind of magazines as :
1. More for hubby as his work require a lot of general knowledge in the industry. So reading Time and Fortune will give him more idea and inspirations towards his career I think.
2. For me, I read Time and Fortune to get to know the world issue (I digest half of it only anyway) and the rest is to drool over the young and bright people who make billions - not one million...
3. Then we know that we have to be realistic...those people who make millions or billion they either unique, extraordinary, extremely lucky, inherited and they are many more factor. So we read Personal Money...this give us inspirations on how to live comfortably, reach our financial free base for normal people.
I note that when I read this kind of magazines I will be more focus on my work and how to reach our goal. For instance, this month focus for Personal Money is on how to achieve your first million and more importantly is how to retain it. It tells some of the story on how all this normal people make it in our country. How it is so possible for us to achieve it. Then how do we manage our financial income to reach our first million and next to retain it.
I do note most of them who made it at a young age mostly people who are not married, single and career minded. But that should not be our show stopper (for those who are married). I like to think that for those who are married they have more advantage.
Example :
1. You already spend what ever needed for your wedding. The best thing the earlier you get married the smaller amount you spend for your wedding (obviously you dont have much money yet...and please dont be stupid by taking personal loan for your wedding. That is hanging your self up side down).
2. You are married and you should by now (after 5 years of marriage or more) understand your partner and stabilize your financial spending and saving. We manage our money together after few months we get into our marriage. Our concept is more like having a company with a balance sheet and P&L so that we know what is our monthly spending, how much we should spend and how much we should save. We then decide together what car suited us, what kind of property should we invest and so on so forth. Since we are consistently doing that....we know that we will meet our first goal by 35 , then next goal by 45 then maybe our final goal by 50. But what a suprise, God willing we are among the one which is lucky so we met our target by 30! So now to work on our next target.
3. We have kids earlier, means we held responsibilities earlier and means when we are aging our kids will become older and we can at least enjoy our older age happier. I like to think that if I even have all the money in the world to trade with my kids....I choose my kids. Why you want to be old with no kids but with money you can't enjoy ? Owh back to my main point, having kids mature your thinking, make you think faster and better and I think people with family are more compassionate with their colleague at work. People with family make a better leader as they are better in multitasking, listening, time management and a lot more skills compared to single person.
Compared to single person, even they can reach some amount of saving or reach a better position with their career. I still believe that married couple will have more advantage in the long run. So Personal Money should feature more families who does it and how they do it next ;)
But money is not everything. I don't plan to become a multi millionaire or to live in a big house with many2 luxury cars and driver and maid and gardener and the list may go on. I am inspired to live comfortably and happily with my family. I am inspired to manage our wealth so that we can maintain our lifestyle until our golden age. I am inspired to have the financial freedom so that I can do things that I like to do and spend more quality with my family. I am inspired to have enough so that I can help people around me.
So reading those magazine give me inspiration and sometime idea on how to improve my life.
Owh btw ...I do read all other magazines like Her World, Hello, Female, Cleo ( i think i'm too old for cleo now) during my hair treatment session. Those magazines makes me drool as well...towards new shoe, handbag, make up, clothing and list can go on.... They have stories as well, juicy story about wife having affair or husband turn to become gigolo and many more....which if I start to discuss the story with hubby then he would just say....owh ye ke ? and then ignore me. Well I guess our life direction can sometimes be influenced by magazines, what we read and what we are exposed too...So I still read, but I leave all I read back at the saloon where I had my hair treatment.
I am having lunch today and they are group of guys opposites my table keep on looking at my side. At first I thought they were looking at someone else or something else. But when I look at them again they we smiling at me and pointing to me instead. I just gave them a quick smile and continue talking with my colleague. I think they (esp this oen guy) keep on staring at me... Good things is I am good at ignoring people and not making eye contact when I know someone is looking. So I manage to get away from them ..... So note to my hubby...Can you please buy me a bigger wedding ring :D
Hehe (saje je nak kenakan you dear :p)
Hehe (saje je nak kenakan you dear :p)
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Whining post
I am trying to write a new post yesterday but I just get stuck with data recon till this afternoon. After countless of comparing, checking, calculating finally data does match and now I need to firm up on the procedure to do data reconciliation before I can leave the current project. What worst could it be when my new project they are tonnes of data does not match that I need to check and first ... First I need to understand all the business scenario and what changes has been made/to be made in the system before I can start reconciling.
Second of all my new project is dominant by guys again and in my small team (a part of my big team) all boys and if I were to look at the big team perspective I might see another 2 girls occasionally ? That might be the reasons why I become more and more (err not manly) but more practical. Which explain why I am not too concern on major shopping lately ( oh I still do minor shopping).
Now I am very tired after looking the spreadsheets and system with lot's of information on it. I already missing my work from home days ... (which I still deserve one or 2 days in a week till december). House is very2 messy since hubby and I working pretty late, lately. Now working from home is not that you can relax and delaying your work. But for me is that I can do things more effectively. No one can interrupt me during my work. No one can catch me for an hour chat ( oh ya...working with guys you think no gossip ..but gossiping with guys on work and techie things is not fun I tell you). So I rather work from home and plan accordingly..that way in between I can do whatever important to me. Like one hour lunch time usually I pick up the kids, feed them and myself at my mom's hse, leave them there and I go back to my house continue working. Once a while I bring bibik from my mom's house and one of the kids back home so that bibik can do cleaning and the kid can watch TV. So by 6 or 7 I can send bibik home and pick up the kids, get the meals fr my mom hse or prepare my own meal and everything is in order.
Here working in office, I have to spend time talking and chatting with people (sounds like I am anti social) and wasting time of travelling back and forth to the office.
Well this is my whining post. I deserve it. This weekend should be a better weekend for me. Jeng jeng jen...what am I up to ?
Second of all my new project is dominant by guys again and in my small team (a part of my big team) all boys and if I were to look at the big team perspective I might see another 2 girls occasionally ? That might be the reasons why I become more and more (err not manly) but more practical. Which explain why I am not too concern on major shopping lately ( oh I still do minor shopping).
Now I am very tired after looking the spreadsheets and system with lot's of information on it. I already missing my work from home days ... (which I still deserve one or 2 days in a week till december). House is very2 messy since hubby and I working pretty late, lately. Now working from home is not that you can relax and delaying your work. But for me is that I can do things more effectively. No one can interrupt me during my work. No one can catch me for an hour chat ( oh ya...working with guys you think no gossip ..but gossiping with guys on work and techie things is not fun I tell you). So I rather work from home and plan accordingly..that way in between I can do whatever important to me. Like one hour lunch time usually I pick up the kids, feed them and myself at my mom's hse, leave them there and I go back to my house continue working. Once a while I bring bibik from my mom's house and one of the kids back home so that bibik can do cleaning and the kid can watch TV. So by 6 or 7 I can send bibik home and pick up the kids, get the meals fr my mom hse or prepare my own meal and everything is in order.
Here working in office, I have to spend time talking and chatting with people (sounds like I am anti social) and wasting time of travelling back and forth to the office.
Well this is my whining post. I deserve it. This weekend should be a better weekend for me. Jeng jeng jen...what am I up to ?
Monday, November 9, 2009
Detox ?
I just started consuming supplements that suppose to detox and give some energy to me. How weird it is when I get hungry all the time ...side effects ?
Sunday, November 8, 2009
TTW for our weekend
We had a superb weekend again and I am very tired by now. We manage to watch the Time Traveler Wife on Friday night, doing some shopping ( I am so into changing my wardrobe) and get myself a nice gray pants from Dorothy Perkins and a nice casual blouse from Zara. Hubby get himself a 2010 tax guide book so that we can calculate our tax even smarter for this coming year.
Oh btw TTW was awesome...I love the fact that the story is realistic even when the time of event is not in sequence. The story is about a time traveler played by Eric Bana. When he's a small boy around 6 I think he was in the car with his mom singing a few song that all of sudden they get involved in an accident. Before the car hitting the lorry from the opposite side, the boy is disappearing and he called his mom which is shock to see her son is fading ...next thing he was at his house 2 weeks before looking at his parents reading him a book and the next minute he stood in front of the accident where his mom died. A guy com over and told him everything is going to be fine and he is actually him from the future. He explain that he is a time traveler to the little boy. He can't control himself traveling to the future or to the past. But the fact he can't change anything when he's time traveling is realistic and that is what I like about the movie. I find it very sweet that he met the girl that he love when she is small and how the relationship bloom. K la I am not going to spill the whole story but hubby and I enjoy it very much that we grinning all the way back home :D. So guys go and watch the movie ..highly recommended.
Lately hubby and I took some time to spend together just the two if us and I really appreciate that. Our relationship lately has become more relax even our two little boys could really test our patience. They are super active and required lots of attention and I am trying to get the right formula to fulfill their needs of attention from us and how to satisfy our own peace time. So one night time out every week of fortnightly really work for us now ... just that when it is just the two of us my shopping mode increase tremendously...aiyoh how lah?
Oh btw TTW was awesome...I love the fact that the story is realistic even when the time of event is not in sequence. The story is about a time traveler played by Eric Bana. When he's a small boy around 6 I think he was in the car with his mom singing a few song that all of sudden they get involved in an accident. Before the car hitting the lorry from the opposite side, the boy is disappearing and he called his mom which is shock to see her son is fading ...next thing he was at his house 2 weeks before looking at his parents reading him a book and the next minute he stood in front of the accident where his mom died. A guy com over and told him everything is going to be fine and he is actually him from the future. He explain that he is a time traveler to the little boy. He can't control himself traveling to the future or to the past. But the fact he can't change anything when he's time traveling is realistic and that is what I like about the movie. I find it very sweet that he met the girl that he love when she is small and how the relationship bloom. K la I am not going to spill the whole story but hubby and I enjoy it very much that we grinning all the way back home :D. So guys go and watch the movie ..highly recommended.
Lately hubby and I took some time to spend together just the two if us and I really appreciate that. Our relationship lately has become more relax even our two little boys could really test our patience. They are super active and required lots of attention and I am trying to get the right formula to fulfill their needs of attention from us and how to satisfy our own peace time. So one night time out every week of fortnightly really work for us now ... just that when it is just the two of us my shopping mode increase tremendously...aiyoh how lah?
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Back in the office
I am back in the office ....sob sob. Will meet my PM today and see what's next for me. Good note, I still have job at least till next year ;). They are always positive sides of everything right.
Just had a call from my current project colleague. He got a job offer from our project for 4 yours to be base there with expat term. Well if you ask me...that is kinda dream come through...if you are thinking of saving some money. Expat term in a high risk country will make you millionaire once you are back in KL. You can bring your family there, stay in compound area, your child will go to internation school, you'll get your own driver and everything is being paid off. I am happy for him as he get the opportunity just at the right time.
Most of the time we never knows what are the opportunities that will come to us. He pick up the project when most of the people doesn't want to get involve, work hard, gain the trust and get rewarded. We just have to trust that if we work honestly through out our heart...the rewards will come soon.
As for me....when I get the project earlier I am a bit pissed off. As I am suppose to be in another project that entitle me to go to another appealing location...with a chance to do a great shopping spree. However I just accept it as I don't know what are the perks that I am getting from this project. True enough, I get almost 6 months peace of mind working in not a very stress env. Get to work from home...see my kids more...earn the same amount of money and save more (instead of shopping) and importantly I have great team mate and great boss too (which is important for our healthy lifestyle). They are hiccups here and there but hey...it is not life if there is not hiccups.
So when we thought the worst is coming ...just face it. We never know what we are getting. Life is like a box of choc. Remember ? :)
Just had a call from my current project colleague. He got a job offer from our project for 4 yours to be base there with expat term. Well if you ask me...that is kinda dream come through...if you are thinking of saving some money. Expat term in a high risk country will make you millionaire once you are back in KL. You can bring your family there, stay in compound area, your child will go to internation school, you'll get your own driver and everything is being paid off. I am happy for him as he get the opportunity just at the right time.
Most of the time we never knows what are the opportunities that will come to us. He pick up the project when most of the people doesn't want to get involve, work hard, gain the trust and get rewarded. We just have to trust that if we work honestly through out our heart...the rewards will come soon.
As for me....when I get the project earlier I am a bit pissed off. As I am suppose to be in another project that entitle me to go to another appealing location...with a chance to do a great shopping spree. However I just accept it as I don't know what are the perks that I am getting from this project. True enough, I get almost 6 months peace of mind working in not a very stress env. Get to work from home...see my kids more...earn the same amount of money and save more (instead of shopping) and importantly I have great team mate and great boss too (which is important for our healthy lifestyle). They are hiccups here and there but hey...it is not life if there is not hiccups.
So when we thought the worst is coming ...just face it. We never know what we are getting. Life is like a box of choc. Remember ? :)
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
mini reunion sc comp girls continue
We continue the Sunday stories....
Come Sunday after bbq'ing' the nite before I am half tired but half excited. Uni friends coming for tea and I can try my cooking skill. I didn't cook much at home as most of the time my mom is cooking. Even when we already move to our own hse...cooking still far from my daily routine...cos I am working (cheap excuse).
Anyway I love cooking ...not as much as baking or not to do it daily ...but I love experimenting. So a girlfriend request for a chicken pie and hubby has hinting the same for a while...I was thinking of cooking stgh heavy just in case the gossip session drag till late. End up with nice serving of chicken rice, mushroom chicken pie, choc brownies (made new one as yesterday sume dah abis) and the banoffee pie. Two of them brought mac and cheese and fruit tartlet that taste wonderful.
We are all gossiping and chatting and munching and gossip again and yelling to the kids haha...all of them came as single mom with kids...one left their kids at home and the other one getting married soon. My hubby became the best helper that I ever had :p. Setting up the table, baked the chicken and bring all the kids to the playground in front so that the moms can have quality time chatting.
It was a wonderful evening....had a suprise visit from my aunty with her whole family...luckily the food are plenty so everybody had a portion of the food.
On the other note...my wonderful life (note how many time I use wonderful in this post!) will end soon ..sob sob. No more working fr home I guess after this. I just got another task that require me to be in the office and it start tomorrow!!! Will see if I still have time to spare for blogging.

The girls sibuk makan and gosip and makan and gosip
Come Sunday after bbq'ing' the nite before I am half tired but half excited. Uni friends coming for tea and I can try my cooking skill. I didn't cook much at home as most of the time my mom is cooking. Even when we already move to our own hse...cooking still far from my daily routine...cos I am working (cheap excuse).
Anyway I love cooking ...not as much as baking or not to do it daily ...but I love experimenting. So a girlfriend request for a chicken pie and hubby has hinting the same for a while...I was thinking of cooking stgh heavy just in case the gossip session drag till late. End up with nice serving of chicken rice, mushroom chicken pie, choc brownies (made new one as yesterday sume dah abis) and the banoffee pie. Two of them brought mac and cheese and fruit tartlet that taste wonderful.
We are all gossiping and chatting and munching and gossip again and yelling to the kids haha...all of them came as single mom with kids...one left their kids at home and the other one getting married soon. My hubby became the best helper that I ever had :p. Setting up the table, baked the chicken and bring all the kids to the playground in front so that the moms can have quality time chatting.
It was a wonderful evening....had a suprise visit from my aunty with her whole family...luckily the food are plenty so everybody had a portion of the food.
On the other note...my wonderful life (note how many time I use wonderful in this post!) will end soon ..sob sob. No more working fr home I guess after this. I just got another task that require me to be in the office and it start tomorrow!!! Will see if I still have time to spare for blogging.
The girls sibuk makan and gosip and makan and gosip
The mini hse warming and birthday party
Hurm apa nak update?
Furniture installation is a false alarm. Rupe2 nya my cousin just want to confirm the last book cabinet before completing all and deliver it at one go. I can't wait actually :D
I am working till 5 am in the morning last Friday ....and while running the report and comparing data I manage to bake one banana cake...(no picture semua dah masuk perut) and the base for the banoffee pie.
Saturday bangun lambat la of course since tido pun dah at 5 am in the morning (see working fr hm pun the workload stime can kill you). Bukak mata straight way finish all the pending baking activities, as I promise to bring some for my sis in law mini hsewarming and birthday party. So 2 banofee pie, 2 mini banofee pie, 2 brownies, 2 mini brownies, the ganache and banana bread ready by 2 :D....
Rushing back to my mom house with hungry stomach for lunch. Banana bread and one of the brownies is for mom's hse and we have visitor around 5, Wak Mus and my cousins just in time for tea time.
Malam....bbq ing at sis in law hse. Loads of fun chatting and laughing hehe as usual. I quite adore all my sis in laws as each one of them have a story to tell... Lot's of idea when come to vacation, house furnishing, investment, health, handling kids, education and many more. Since they are all older and have more experience, we kinda have lot's of advantage getting all the knowledge from them. Since I am the eldest in my family, being youngest in hubby's family makes me relax a lil bit and enjoying just being young and small thehehe :p
Hubby's family is a bit weird. Why is it weird...they are many of them celebrating birthday on Nov !!!! all 3 my sis in law born in Nov and 2 of my anak sedara as well. Not to mention my fil...ada sape2 lagi yg tertinggal?? I am not good in remembering numbers and esp birthday....All I know they are all born in Nov, and hubby will remind me when is their birth date :p. So Happy Birthday to all of them!
Ok enjoy the picture for Saturday first...I'll do another post for Saturday act specially dedicated for my uni mate ;)
Boss besar (bil)
Mem besar (birthday girl)
wonder milk cupcakes birthday girl
Furniture installation is a false alarm. Rupe2 nya my cousin just want to confirm the last book cabinet before completing all and deliver it at one go. I can't wait actually :D
I am working till 5 am in the morning last Friday ....and while running the report and comparing data I manage to bake one banana cake...(no picture semua dah masuk perut) and the base for the banoffee pie.
Saturday bangun lambat la of course since tido pun dah at 5 am in the morning (see working fr hm pun the workload stime can kill you). Bukak mata straight way finish all the pending baking activities, as I promise to bring some for my sis in law mini hsewarming and birthday party. So 2 banofee pie, 2 mini banofee pie, 2 brownies, 2 mini brownies, the ganache and banana bread ready by 2 :D....
Rushing back to my mom house with hungry stomach for lunch. Banana bread and one of the brownies is for mom's hse and we have visitor around 5, Wak Mus and my cousins just in time for tea time.
Malam....bbq ing at sis in law hse. Loads of fun chatting and laughing hehe as usual. I quite adore all my sis in laws as each one of them have a story to tell... Lot's of idea when come to vacation, house furnishing, investment, health, handling kids, education and many more. Since they are all older and have more experience, we kinda have lot's of advantage getting all the knowledge from them. Since I am the eldest in my family, being youngest in hubby's family makes me relax a lil bit and enjoying just being young and small thehehe :p
Hubby's family is a bit weird. Why is it weird...they are many of them celebrating birthday on Nov !!!! all 3 my sis in law born in Nov and 2 of my anak sedara as well. Not to mention my fil...ada sape2 lagi yg tertinggal?? I am not good in remembering numbers and esp birthday....All I know they are all born in Nov, and hubby will remind me when is their birth date :p. So Happy Birthday to all of them!
Ok enjoy the picture for Saturday first...I'll do another post for Saturday act specially dedicated for my uni mate ;)
The birthday boy yg dah kena penyek dengan cupcakes!
Dua birthday girl mak dan anak!
Mak sahaja yg birthday girl
wonder milk cupcakes birthday boy
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