Friday, July 24, 2009

Potty Train Little Fawwaz

Ok little Fawwaz is not little anymore...He will be 3 on the 1st of September.

We have a challenging time to potty train him. Several time we have tried and the results still no no. The fact that he can stay dry for several hours during day, and stay dry througout the night still doesn't change that he still need the diaper to pee or poo.

Few months ago I tried to get his diaper off...Maybe he is not ready yet so he and pee and poo where ever he likes. Still can't get it as in his kindy he do it well. So i put on his diaper again.

Now I think he should be ready for potty training as he stay dry for long hours. I have take off his diaper during night ....he will stay dry all night long. But in the morning he will not pee in his potty but instead can carry on till noon. He can really hold his pee as long as he can...usually that long that you get worried and finally put his diaper on. I will still try for this weekend tho...see how it goes.

So me. How to potty train my litte Fawwaz.

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