Friday, July 4, 2008

Smell the roses

I am no longer in lovey dovey mood. Tell me one thing why we asian people work our ass out and don’t even have a time to take a step back and appreciate our current life.

I recall on the way back from kiwi land a few months ago. We met my father old friend, Uncle Michael. He’s a New Zealander, probably aged around 60 plus but he looks healthy, happy and energetic. We had a long chat with him and he gives us a few piece of advice. One of it he mentioned that in every moment of our life we should take our time to look at our lives and appreciates things that revolved around us. Look at yourself, he said. You are young with two kids, and you have travelled which not everybody got the chance to travel. You still have parents that are healthy and alive that you can love. Just put a pause and remember that how lucky we are and appreciate every moment.

They other thought that comes from him are on young parents with kids. He felt that world is losing the chain. With people refuse to get married early and have kids in their young age. When we have kids at age 35 or even 40, the kids will hardly had a chance to know their grandparents or their grandparent probably too old to play with their grandchildren. Parents will actually provide, nurture them and discipline the kids. But a grandparent is where the child will get to learn about values of life and of course spoilt them. Which I think is true. You see as a parent myself, we are sometimes clueless on how to go with our child. But grandparents always there with a better reasoning teaching them on how to stop and again appreciate their life. As parents you want them to learn, be perfect, be good and so on so forth. My parents will actually take their time to explain in depth, bring my child to do gardening, get to know flowers, grasses, birds, fishes and many more. They can spoilt the kids at one time but they can also be firmed whenever require. Uncle Michael added, and because that we are losing the chain, that is why kids nowadays become what they become. Rude, clueless, no manners, don’t know what to do with their life and many more. They are nobody to ask them to stop and embrace their life and learn the value of life. We as parents are too busy to work to provide them and we also forget to teach them the values!

Last advice that we received is when we commenting on the workmanship of the people and end up to why Asian like to work day and night. I called it work our butts of. Uncle Michael own his company and he thought that people who need extra hours to work is inefficient. They are time where his new employee ask his permission to bring back some of the magazines (relates to work) home so that he can do some reading. Uncle Michael told him tomorrow morning you come to the office and take 1 hour to do his reading. For him if the reading relates to the work and it can make his employee more knowledgeable, do it during working hours. When you are at home, makes time with family and of course for yourself. I wish that every bosses are like that. But maybe most of the bosses or company owners value the work life balance. Just the boss wannabe or employee wannabe crack their butts off to show that they are some goodie or whatever not.

This long post is due to this. Hubby is supposed to go for 3 weeks (that now happened to be 4 weeks actually) outstation. He’s flying out on Saturday and the trip has just been confirmed last monday (within this week). Due to the hectic or must I say poor management, they have to work day and night. Hubby goes out 630 or 730 in the morning and reaches home around 930 or latest by 11 and sometime 12 at night. I have expected this cos KL project with KL people that are very kiasu, you can see people work really late at night. I don’t know maybe these people don’t have life or whatever not but everyday working late? Something must be wrong with you and your personal life. That is my personal comment. So having said that, he has been working his butt off that he forget to smell the roses, today I suppose when you need to fly the following day and expected to work on Sunday cos Dubai works on Sunday. Should it be more human to let the employee to take today off or at least half day at management call? But what I know the management question why should u take half day (not even a day off) since week after next you will be off on Friday (when u in Dubai and Dubai is off on Monday). This bugger let me tell you, next week these people they are no longer at home and their families are way back here. They are people with small children that the child looking forward for weekend to spend time with their parents. So if you thought of sending these people to travel on Saturday itself can you do extra thinking?

Not to mention that this so called big firm that having everything in place, they didn’t allow claiming according to the policy. Instead claim actual. Actual is fine …but imagine actual in food only. And probably taxi. How about phone calls or hotel internet? Cos in the policy this already being stated that claimable. You know, people who have family would like to give a phone call to their family. Is a long distance call mind you and I don’t think we should use our salary for that cos this is actually a business trip. It should be covered and considering you are a big firm and not company cap ayam. And furthermore, from the policy it’s stated that it claimable!. Ok ok I may spilled to much detail but I am frustrated with how things handled here and why we asian want to be treated this way. I know for the fact if it’s mat saleh, they will not get this kinda treatment. After 5 they will just go home, any outstanding they will cover tomorrow. If they need to work their butts off they ensure that they get paid well. They can’t finish their job they will divert that job. If they don’t know they get more expertise to come in.

This morning hubby wakes up a bit late..maybe he’s tired. He had to rush to work. It’s about 815 where both our child has woke up. The second one hardly sees his daddy that he cried out loud just to get his daddy attention. But daddy has to move…work is waiting. People there is impatient, cold blooded don’t have life (that is what mummy though). Daddy skipped his breakfast and drove fast to the office. I wonder if something bad happened (god forbid) but if really something bad happened, wouldn’t it be worth to stop and smell the roses?

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