Sunday, June 17, 2007

Quarter life

I, hubby and the kids are now in three different timezone. Not more that 1 minute when I was in the flight my tears already falling down thinking again….why do I need to do this?

When I depart from the small airport in NP just now, Aariz is just being a happy boy. You see for my kids, it doesn’t really matter already. They are just so used to be a part from us for certain timeframe. Kinda heartbreaking I would say as they will not shed a tears either me or hubby fly away from them. Look at the positive perspective, they are feeling secure to be with my parents. That eases some of my uneasiness for leaving them behind. But I will still feel guilty…:(

In my industry, people work in funny way. I do work in funny way hehe. I don’t know is it Asian people just like to do that ..i just don’t know. They are few people that I know, not really working in my company but work in the same project. Leaves their husband, or wife , or husband with kids or wife withs kids back behind in Malaysia. Not for one week or one months. But for years. And they are not young…they are at the age of 40s. Sometimes I would think, do they do this because of money or work satisfaction ? Hurm I don’t know. Reflects back to my current life. Everything goes well except the flying part. When we have to leave our family behind. There’s one time hubby goes away for 1 month. I went crazy. So far hurm so far…that the longest that me and my kids are a part from hubby. Could it be any longer ……? I don’t know.

I know for the facts that the older generations would says that... Grab the opportunities while you are young. I always ask back….how much do I need to take? And how far ? Can I just leave the opportunities to my hubby and just let me stay behind. With the kids ? As I think and think, I am still doing what I do. I think hurm…I have a quarter life crisis. You think there’s no quarter life crisis ??? You are wrong …try to wiki ;)

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