Friday, May 29, 2009
Lawak yg cuma budak koleq and wifey can understand
Hubby aka apau is assisting the kids with some toys.
While assisting them hubby make a small talk with me.
Papa : Ma lama dah kita tak jumpa Ipin.....
Aariz : dan Upin ???
Me and Papa...laugh out loud :p
I'm happy!!!
We have start searching furniture for the past few weeks and I've been eying some of the furniture set. I can either spend to the max or just looking for a good deal. So this is what I get from the Warehouse Sale in PJ ;)

Selingan....gambar si kenit yg obsess dengan pedang sakti dia

Wednesday, May 27, 2009
I think I'm going to bake something today. Will see if i can spend some time on it.
Kids are doing well. It's their so called assesment week. And we will have our first Parent - Teacher meeting. Can't wait for that session cos i want to know how they behave at school. They are not behaving that well at home lately. Testing my patience most of the time.
On the other note, i have not done anything for our family trip next week. Not start packing yet or anything. Well looks ike it's gonna be last minute preparation.
Well don't have enough mood to blog as well.
I didn't manage to bake anything. Arrive home around with kids for a while then had my dinner around 7.30. Daging teltel masak asam pedas, ayam goreng kunyit and sotong sambal...yumm
My mom give us task to go to pasar and buy some barang basah. We spend around 1 hour there with the kids. The kids behave very well cos we promise to get them some ice cream at the end of the trip.
Reach home. Prepare the kids for bed....2-3 rounds of story telling and they doze off. Along with their papa...sigh
Monday, May 25, 2009
Marc Jacobs (MBMJ) for Sale
Anyone interested please leave a comment.
Totally Turnlock Patent Faridah Hobo
Price: RM 1500
Retail Price: USD448
Colour: Cherry
Patent leather
Tonal topstitching
Polished silver metal hardware
Padded leather shoulder strap with link attachments; 12" drop
Front zipped pocket
Two front pouch pockets with twist-lock closures
Round logo-engraved studs throughout
Open top with hidden magnetic closure
Fine textile lining
Interior patch pocket, cell phone pocket, and leather-trimmed zip pocket
Flat leather base
12.75"x 14.5" (at sides)x 6.5"
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Carrot Cake, Seri Muka and Sports Day
I woke up on Sunday morning with inspiration, to bake my first carrot cake and kuih seri muka. My mom said is too much as I promised my in laws to cook sambal udang masak belimbing. But today I just felt the urge to bake and experiment.
With my grandma around (she's super cook), my mom and my aunty they guide me on my first attempt to make seri muka. Interesting that working with the elderly their method is agak2 base on the size of the pan. They showed me how to measure and how to taste to ensure the salt or sugar is enough. That gives me some idea rather than blindly follow the recipe like what I always did. Old time favorite as it was, the seri muka has been a hits for today.
Next was the carrot cake. This is my favorite cake and it is not perfect without the delicious cream cheese frosting. I had a recipe in hand and would want to try it for so long. Even the ingredients are all ready at home. One thing about baking cakes, I love it big time and I don’t mind doing it. The only problem is to get someone to finish it all. As today we plan to have lunch at mil house and I have my grandma and my aunt’s family at home. I give it a shot. The results, carrot cake turn out to be moist and creamy. I love the cream cheese frosting as it’s perfectly blended with the sweet and sour taste. By 10 pm today I have only 1 piece of carrot cake left in the fridge. That does explain how delicious it is. :p
Back track on Saturday, Aariz has his second Sports Day and it is first time for Fawwaz. We brought mini sandwich and mini muffin for the kindy. They had the sports day in a community hall. I think is a good idea as the kids are still small and the weather now is super hot. Last year when Aariz is at Smart Reader Kids they had it in a Stadium. The kids were under a hot sun and I think the parents is not that happy either as the kid are sweating and feel uncomfortable. No shade no nothing and they were just kids between 4-6 years old. Anyway back to this year’s Sports Day. We moved Aariz to another kindy and enroll Fawwaz in together. They start with marching in the multipurpose hall, sing National Anthem, do some performance which is well coordinated and play various games. It was fun. Fawwaz a little bit moody but they both won second place. Not too bad huh. I’ll let the picture do the story later ;)
Monday, May 18, 2009
Hubby is back!
Update :
Hubby came back yesterday with 3 big bag and 1 laptop bag that have 3 laptop inside. Interestingly the other 2 bag is full with friends and friends to friends stuff. Well next time he's off to US we will not let anybody know hehe.
Hubby being a gadget savvy, he bought me AspireOne instead of a spanking new handbag. I have to admit that i am little bit disapppointed for not getting any new handbag this time. Not to mention that he actually carry 4 handbags for others but none for me! Anyway i do get a new Burberry purse and some benefit make up. Days 2 being an owner for AspireOne i kinda like the new mini laptop. So thanks to hubby!! umuah!
Friday, May 15, 2009
My friend let’s name him X, I know him for quite some time. He got married soon after me. And according to him, love at the first sight. As other normal married couple, I heard he had his first baby boy and I presume he’s happily married like others. I bump into him again sometime last year, and we chat a while. Nothing seems wrong with him but later I found out that he is not happy with his marriage. Well being me, nosy sometime I try to dig out what happened. It seems that it started with the wife cannot get along with his family. Next the usual quarrel and how the wife do not respect him. And the list goes on. What interesting is they have been fighting for few years back and at this stage he’s thinking about divorce.
Conversation went into a bit details, since his been thinking about divorce then how are their current life now. Interestingly they’ve been living pretty normal. When they fought, X usually will sleep on the couch or even worst sleep outside. Otherwise, they live pretty normal but the scariest part is X mention that he don’t love his wife anymore. Which make me a little bit confuse. Where all the love goes?
In laws, they are some can get along and they are some who can’t. But married to your husband/wife means married to their family. I don’t say it’s easy to deal with in laws. Definitely it is due to how so we brought up. Differences in lifestyle, thinking, and many more, the list can go on. When we first married we don’t have a place to stay yet. We take turn staying in my mil place and my mom’s place. It’s a bit tiring. Lucky I’m married to a man whom every makcik want to have him as son in law. He doesn’t have much problem staying at my mom’s house. As for me, I do have little problem. Example, as he is the youngest in his family, his mom likes to do practically everything for him. I on the other hand feel that we are responsible to our own well being eg: do our laundry, cook and so on. It’s a bit difficult at first, next hubby decided that we should just stay at one place, my mom’s house of course as I’m pregnant and almost due. But even I stay in my mom’s house, we do make a point to visit his mom house weekly till today. Over years, we start to get to know each other better and I am now comfortable to sit down and stays and chat and hangout with mil and the whole family. What I’m trying to say is, yes we do feel awkward at first but if we don’t try and make and effort things will not change.
I admit being a married couple myself. I do fought with husband. The first few years were the worst one. We married young; we are young, same age to be precise. Men’s we know that they mature a little bit later than woman. So usually it left us both in deep anger. But one thing about my hubby, he never ever leaves me alone after fighting. If I be stubborn says to sleep with the kids (kids sleeping in different room). He will definitely carry me back to our room. Romantic right hehe! When I said carry he really does that cause no way ill walk back to the room. So by doing that the rage usually went down at least by 30%.
I’m not sure if man now days realize. Women will still need man to be man. And of for course women need to realize to that we women should still be women. In the event of fighting, men will always have his ego. For those who are bless with a husband that is caring and loving. We should also compromise and know when not to let their ego hurts. Example let them make the decisions as they feel in power when doing that. They don’t want to be seen as being Queen Control. Give them some respect… Learn how to give them some respect. Be truthful, even it hurts sometime, but I learn that by being truthful it will do well in a long run. Being honest by telling each other the do’s and don’t, what we like and dislike and how do we want to be treated is actually not a bad idea.
For us, we are being tested by living and working under the same roof for around 3 years, or maybe 4? During that point of time, is either he can see my desktop or I can see his desktop. Practically we are 24 hours a day together. It’s tiring to see each other face I must tell you. For straight 24 hours and you have to act professionally in the office even we had a fight last night. But that has trained us on how to be professional to set aside emotional, business and family.
Financially is the other source of fighting. Especially when we don’t have enough. Once I heard from the radio, saying that people nowadays get married using loan. Therefore the marriage is not really blessed especially when you don’t serve the loan. Well that only God’s know. But I have to agree with that. You see when you get married and don’t have much capital yet (doesn’t count whoever married dato’ or businessman or org tua). So you take loan for wedding event, and after marriage reality strike. You have to pay for wedding loan, car loan, house loan, and maybe when you have additional person in your life. Money can be a big thing. If you read my posting earlier “A lifestyle to maintain” we also have our fair share on money issue. We still are, where we now really need to prioritize between what we need and what we want. Lucky as well as we are both financial savvy, we do know our limit. Even during our wedding days, we just make do with whatever money that we have. Imagine that we just fork out our 1-year plus working saving, plus of course whatever our old folks has key in our ASB when we are small. I am proud to say that my dowry is all hubbies’ saving and not loan or what so ever. The wedding is simple but that is just the beginning. What important is after marriage.
Sometime when we fight I do get the kids to be involved. Husband hates this so much. And I know it’s definitely not the right thing to do. I do it unintentionally, cos I need someone to hug me. Little Aariz always take side on me, and comfort me. Be my life saviour. But when Fawwaz comes along, he naturally will take side on hubby even we do not ask him to do so. Now we are even. But seriously hubby has a point. Dragging the kids into the fight is not healthy. Luckily now my kids can rational that. Rather than taking sides, they ask us to be friend again. I find it sweet sometime and have to give in.
Marriage doesn’t work naturally. It takes us to make it happened. To my dear friend X, I am not in your position hence I do not know what it really likes and what has happened. But I do hope that your marriage works like us others. Think about the little one that need a mother to love and a father to protect. Maybe think about how to light back the love that have lost. I myself still working on to have my marriage work and last.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Aariz and his imagination
Ma.. i want to see Dibo so that he can get me a real ben 10 watch so that i can become ben 10.
Next day,
Ma..i want to see Dibo so that he can make fly like superman.
Ok above can only be understood for mommies who have kids that watch PHDC at channel 613.
While im trying to get his imagination grow to something more real, like anything day to day in our life. It goes like this :
Mama trying to draw a mind map on what is happening at his kindy. This is to encourage him to explain and ability to describe properly.
Mama : Ok Aariz, this is your school..what do you have in your school?
Aariz : Hurm my friends.. (then he start to describe his friends)
Mama : Ok what else...
Aariz : Teacher Miza ( and he starts to talk non stop). We have Teacher Miza that every naughty people need to go to her class. Not so naughty boy just go to naughty corner....but very naughty go to Teacher Miza class
Mama : So have you been naughty ? You've been to Teacher Miza class
Aariz : I haven't. Not anyone because we are all good people
Mama: You sure??
Aariz : They are one, his name is Aris too. But not me..same name and he so naughty that he's been in Teacher Miza class.
Conversation goes over and over but i guess i need to check with Teacher Miza tomorrow ;)
Mama: Ok what else you have in your kindy?
Aariz: Homework. Infinity of homework...more than infinity...
Ok he actually did said the full sentence above and i was laughing out loud. He is so exaggerating on the amount of homework he have. Very cheeky too cos he will try hard not to finish his homework. Yeah he is typical boys!
We played this game until he get bored to tell me what else in school. At least with this new trick of mind map i get to make him explain and describe things better to me. I do have problem with him earlier to get him to tell me what has happend during the day when im not around. Usual answer that he will give me is either...Aariz tak tau or Aariz too tired or I dont remember.
They are few other things that i did with them after office. Usually we mommies get very tired during end of the day. But if i dont do anything to get their attention, or to give them attention. Im afraid i will lost them earlier than i thought.
Few days ago i stick on a large white paper on my bed wall. Give them stack of crayon and colour pencil and they are free to just draw and write anything. They excitedly draw and telling me stories on their drawings...ask me to help them to color and all.
Well have to think on more ideas ...else the kids will just watch tv endlessly, and think Dibo is real. Sigh.......
Friday, May 1, 2009
Weekend updates!
When my hubby is not around, i am automatically become more energetic than ever. Cos they are no one else but me that have to entertain my kids. Yeap my parents and also my maid is around. But i tried not to hassle them when im around. I need the kids to pay attention to me as well. So i do the extra miles for them.
Friday we went out for MPH warehouse sales. They are tonnes of peoples around but i manage to make it with my 2 little darlings. We scout around and get quite a number of books. Mostly for the kids. I manage to get 2 for me and 1 for hubby. Will post picture later.
After getting our dosage of books, we went straight to One Utama. I just love this place so we wen there eat at Chili's, chilling around OU, bought Fawwaz new swimming suit .... get some ice cream. Once the kids are tired, we went off from OU and I decided we shld stop by my mil place. We reach there around 4 pm. Chat a bit with my sil, the kids have fun playing with Bali and around 6 we headed back home. So that's pretty much on Friday.
Saturday, we were lazying around till lunch time at home. Then around 130 we headed to The Club One Utama. (see i love DU so much...but hubby prefer to stays where we are staying now). Get them wet and berendam in the pool sampai kecut2...Aariz and Fawwaz they love swimming so much. Who doesn't rite ;). I was trying to get them out from the pool since 430 and it drag until 5 stgh. Fawwaz keep on saying kejap eh. While Aariz, 10 more minutes, 5 more minutes, 4 more minutes, 3 more minutes..ok if u add's already half an hour.
But my mission accomplish. When hubby is not around i just want them to have fun and get tired. So that they can sleep well and eat well as well.
Ok have to get back to work. Later.