I already plan and imagine this party since in New Zealand days. Inspired with their outdoor activities and how free and easy their kids are. Not to mention that their creativity to use less expensive props to get the kids to play and be happy. I’m planning to get just not my kids to experience it but all others kids as well. Good things should be shared that is what I have in my mind.
Ideally this is how it supposes to be. It should be an open space party on the field/hill in front of my father house. There’s no tent initially but my sister insist and we have a tent for the kids eat area. Yeah I separate the kids eating area with adult. They have their own table, chair, small cute food for them, plastic bright bowl, plate, glass from Ikea…every details just to make sure the kids enjoy the food and eat by themselves. There’s a camping tent, compliment from my brother where we stuff in with toys and balloon. I’ve been bugging my husband to make a tunnel from used box and get it wrapped with white paper. The kids can play inside or outside the tunnel…. There’s a trampoline too next to their eat are so that they can have fun jumping around.
3.00 – 4.00 pm: Upon the arrival the kids need to go to sort of registration table, get their party hat decorated and wear it. There’s sticker, glitter glue for them to decorate. Next, they can get their face painted…and straight to the eating/play area for them to feast on the food or play on the trampoline or tunnel. Colouring activities is also avail for kids that don’t really like outdoors…
4.00 pm: Treasure hunt…ok the kids with adult supervision will need to go and find their treasure. They are 4-check point. And from each checkpoint they will get various chocs and biscuits that I have prepared.
5.00 pm: Cutting cake ceremony…this is the highlight!!! The birthday boy will blow the candles, who ever in charge will spray the party thingys I don’t know what lar...my sister bought it…. and also pop the party popper. Then immediately after that we release the bubbles from our machine bubbles!!!
That is the ideal plan….
God willing is Greater than what we human has plan. So at 2.30 when we just complete decorating the kid’s area …and I even started to bring the food in…. Heavy rain pour and even I thought and was hoping it should just take half an hour or maybe one hour…It just keep on pouring till 6…stops for a while and continue till midnight.
Some activities we just have to scrap. Everybody need to cramp in the house…It’s a bit messy at first where we need to re-arrange the food. Then I just get the party hat decorating started. Kid’s a bit calm I guess, as at least they are something to get them busy…. Then we get the colouring activities going…After a while my sister start distributing the party pack...where we have lot’s of treats to give away. You can see cute little kids obediently lining up for the treats!. All that are compliment from my sis in law, my sister and myself. Next we get the bubble machine running …whole house is full of bubbles and you can see the kids jumping to catch the bubbles in between parents which are all over the place.
The highlight is now on the birthday boy for the cutting cake ceremony… Some of the guest is going to make a move. So we get the kids table to be in the centre of the hall. Two birthday cakes for two birthday boys. My nephew who is close with Aariz is celebrating his birthday as well. We sang the birthday song, and the parents help to pop the party popper and some other sprayed the party thingys all over the people and the cakes!! Haha…the departing gives from us for the birthday party is various books to be chooses by the kids…
Overall, it is not as per what my ideal plan. But everything went well. Personally I love the party hat activities as I can see the kids enjoy sticking up their favourites character on their hat. They get to be messy as well by gluing, colouring and many more. The other favourites part of mine is the bubbles…as you can see all the kids stand up and start to jump around. Deep inside my heart, I hope all the kids enjoy the party and the activities provided. Even I wish that they could have more fun playing outside the house,
I’m not sure how about you parents. Do you enjoy the activities? …. Tell me what you think !

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